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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Shout Box History
Capitao: What's up!!
08-08-2011 8:36:pm
Pzt_Crackwise: hey people, I'm on gameranger, you can add me as Pzt_Crackwise.
07-08-2011 9:23:am
Pzt_Kevin_dtn: hey
06-08-2011 10:17:am
fry30: TO ANGLO SNIPER: Just download the Ultima Online screen shot capturer from misc download section, then follow the instructions or google how to add pictures to a forum, upload pictures in the Combat Camera or on a private website like Flickr or Photobucket
04-08-2011 2:45:am
chessmaster: were the hell is everybody ?? nobody plays anymore? is everyone on vacation lol
02-08-2011 12:30:am
chessmaster: boys & girls always welcome to add me in gameranger as a friend, looking for players to play cc5 + mods, search me on e-mail [E-Mail]
31-07-2011 9:57:pm
Theel: Anyone wast to play Close Combat LSA, WAR, or TLD? I'd love to find friendly players to play with. Add me to Steam Friends [URL]
20-07-2011 12:38:pm
AngloSniper: how can i upload an AAR with pics to this site?
12-07-2011 6:24:pm
Slyguy3129: You can get both from the Matrix Site! [URL]
09-07-2011 5:55:am
Datal: Hey...Im new here. Anybody knows where can I download cc3 or cc4 ?
05-07-2011 7:28:am
DAK_Legion: where I can find the spanish guide for create maps mooxe??Thanks
29-06-2011 9:13:am
Slyguy3129: Why So Serious!?
29-06-2011 4:18:am
Bungarra: thanks Mooxe
24-06-2011 11:42:pm
Bungarra: Sorry Mooxe can you delete 2 of those triple posts
24-06-2011 7:58:pm
US_Brake: My conscripts want Blood !
24-06-2011 1:40:pm
fry30: Hey Brake, saw you on Game Ranger today while I was trouncing my German friend Suey, aka Suicide Charge... going to your leaderboard link now... maybe I'll meet you in battle one of these days (again? can't remember but it might have been a stock CC game)
23-06-2011 12:37:am
US_Brake: Cross of Iron Players: we have a leaderboard. [URL]
22-06-2011 3:51:am
Priapus: Anyone want to start an LSA GC when 2.0 is released tomorrow?
14-06-2011 2:19:pm
AngloSniper: where can I getmy hands on CC4? Ive lost mine :O
12-06-2011 7:21:am
Piper_1: Is therea CC REQ for LSA because it needs some new single custom maps
12-06-2011 5:39:am
chessmaster: you can always add me in gameranger under ske if your in for GJS !
11-06-2011 7:18:pm
prototype_beta: back in action... long time player and I will usually be in GR looking for campaign opponents
04-06-2011 9:31:pm
mikwarleo: new commander guide in cc5 forum
03-06-2011 6:07:am
pvt_Grunt: anyone planking?
02-06-2011 5:27:am
Priapus: game? anyone?
25-05-2011 6:23:pm
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Shout Box ©

In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!