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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Shout Box History
DAK_Legion: Merry Cristmas For All CC Family;)
20-12-2011 12:19:pm
MAFIABOSS: hello friends i only have demos but the front russian demo dont work never why?
18-12-2011 3:58:pm
ArmeeGruppeSud: Merry CHRISTmas everybody, dont leave Christ out of Christmas, or the Holyday becomes a hollowday
17-12-2011 11:03:pm
ArmeeGruppeSud: Yes, Ostie did rant quite well. Just a pity i cant comprehend it all
17-12-2011 10:58:pm
pvt_Grunt: Nice rant KinsK
17-12-2011 7:03:pm
bonsai: cc
17-12-2011 5:36:am
mooxe: Merry Christmas Everyone!
16-12-2011 2:51:pm
pete2000: hi all where can I play this game cc5 mods online????
14-12-2011 9:55:am
bexx76: iif u dont like cc dont play cc! and dont bore us with ur post drunk allucinations
10-12-2011 8:19:am
McHara: I think Stalingrad Der Kessel is a nice mod for CC5, great campaign, nice units and big strategy.
26-11-2011 6:01:am
Ost_KinsK: They (Atomic) something shiny (Close Combat) no matches, if you get close, and only. 15 years with something so brilliant in their hands and nothing more was done.
25-11-2011 10:43:am
Ost_KinsK: Fizeram (Atomic ) algo brilhante ( Close Combat ) nada se iguala, se quer chega perto, e só. 15 anos com algo tão brilhante nas mãos e nada mais foi feito.
25-11-2011 10:41:am
Ost_KinsK: Players who did not play, withdrew into clans and ranked battles, all false, that never expressed the truth of a battle, or as the Mooxe, stuck on this site, with its pot of friends, a present-absent.
25-11-2011 10:38:am
Ost_KinsK: Changes always failed, Utah has the Flak ridiculous nonsense that ended with a good mod. The only one who got good gameplay was SAS, but continued with the same maps ... It was just having made new maps, nothing else ... BO would have been nice, but what the hell did there ... the shots ... Maps so great .... small map is better to have more strategic resources than it is CLOSE COMBAT.
25-11-2011 10:28:am
Ost_KinsK: GJS ended with the strategy of CC5, every unanimity is stupid, and was not different with the awful GJS, piat is ridiculous, mg42's ridiculous, Tanks are ridiculous, it goes against the original strategy CC5. CC5 killed, the TH and the CCS.
25-11-2011 10:19:am
Ost_KinsK: GJS acabou com a estratégia do CC5, toda unanimidade é burra, e não foi diferente com o péssimo GJS, piat é ridiculo, mg42 é ridiculo, Tanks são ridiculos, tudo vai contra a estrategia do original CC5. matou o CC5, o TH e o CCS.
25-11-2011 10:18:am
pete2000: how do I use the config manager ... how do I put the plugin into the config
16-11-2011 7:42:am
pete2000: but now I need to know how to use the congfig manager >>
16-11-2011 7:40:am
pete2000: hi Thanks for your help... im new and need more... I have donwloaded the 501 patch and applied it so it comes up
16-11-2011 7:40:am
vercy: ja ch?tnie zagram na gamerangerze w LSA mój nick vercy
15-11-2011 5:27:pm
vercy: ja ch?tnie zagram na gamerangerze w LSA mój nick vercy
15-11-2011 5:27:pm
vercy: ja ch?tnie zagram na gamerangerze w LSA mój nick vercy
15-11-2011 5:27:pm
pete2000: I have only the cc5 disc running W7 and I want to have a game on line... but I dont know how... can someone please help....
15-11-2011 6:11:am
Steinersen: anyone interesting in online battle?
06-11-2011 9:35:am
pascalchartier: patch 501a
31-10-2011 12:01:pm
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In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!