French army mod
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#41: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:29 pm
New helicos are on the battlefield...

For testing, I used one helico icon I founded in RedstormRising mod

I will create mine later and also adapt the shadow

These helicos may transport 2 combat group (of x10 men each).  They move very quicly and may fire with 12,7 mm MG

The present map is urban map but helicos have to be used in "rural maps" (if not, pilots seem use to fly over the streets and they refuse to fly over houses Mr. Green ) . But they fly over streams and other grounds without pb

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#42: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:26 pm
French helicos have now their normal shadows.

With large transport capacity, they are very usefull to do flank movements or to transport quicly inf teams to far positions

They also will allow escape/save civilian missions/scenarios

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#43: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:46 am
Implemented a drone team in the oob, very funny.

This new little unit (only 2 mens) comes with new weapon (AP weapon) and neaw sound (flying drone + grenade explosion), and it works like a long range mortar  or grenade launcher (I will see the best).

This team send a drone that itself may launch AP grenade Vs ennemy infantry teams

Actually, gadget image and ammo parameters are wrong (just used for test)

Used sound is attached for those who want to use it for their own mods

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 Filename:  Drone+explosion_sound.rar
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#44: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:43 pm
Great inovating thinking and implementation of a modern system in this old game.

#45: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 6:56 pm
In my opinion, it's a real pity that CCMT opus did not have  more success, because the perfect editor allows to buil very difficult missions for human player. If we gives to IA some support arty, things become hard to win... I will try to give it some new interests to be played.

I work slow because I have to learn the CC modding technics in the same time (due to my problems with english language, I had some difficulties to identify the columns that have to be used in data book to create links between teams, soldiers, weapons and sounds)

#46: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:31 pm
Feel free to ask here or PM me on Discord. I am actually amazed at how much you have learned and done in such a short time.

#47: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:34 pm
Ok, thanks

At this time, some questions are a little bit obscur.

One is this : Did you try to create some air unit "on the map" ? (not air support : air unit that may be used directly on map, like other ground units)

I did not serious attempt by lack of time but I will do in these days (I tried one time to give the class 6 to a unit (air unit class), but game crashed

#48: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:25 am
No, I never tried to create a onmap air unit. But they are found in some mods for PITF/GTC. They have to be coded as a vehicle. I believe
It is possible to have them fly over houses too, but that means dedicating a one of the "movement classes" in elements.txt to air units. For example the "truck" movement class. And then make the "truck class" be able to move across any building element like it was open ground.

#49: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:36 am
Thanks for info, very interessant.

I have taken a look in data book and I have seen interessant columns (20 to 24) in "Elements". I will later try to use the halftrack class (unused for modern warfare) to create a class veh with ability to move over buildings.

#50: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:00 am
A short sample of difficulties with english language in modding

In columns 25 & 26 of "vehicles" (Data book), we find that : "Is crewman exposed to fire this weapon? 0=False, 1=True

But the problem is that these words may have 2 significations :

1- a Crewman is exposed to use this weapon (crewman of the vehicle is exposed when he uses the weapon)
2- a Crewman (ennemy) is exposed to receive fire of this weapon

In french, it may not occur any confusion because words are very different in each case.

But in english... Oh my good^^  : I translated "Is crewman exposed to fire this weapon?" in a english-french translator and I received the 2 significations at the same time Mr. Green

In this case, the good option is 1.

But each time a french modder works, he encouters this kind of problems. The good aspect of the situation is that we learn with modding to understand english language Cool

#51: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:24 am
A question, please : Is it allowed to add some new graphs in azp files and gadget files  ? Or may we just vampirize/change existing graphs ?

#52: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:31 am
Azp - Yes, gadget - No

#53: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:52 am
ok cool, thanks.

In Tanks.azp, the list of TEX files appears with that kind of names  : gme109_norm_hull_but (this name is the name of the TEX that contains helico in RSR mod)

Is there a "rule" to give a correct name to a new TEX file ?

EDIT : Founded the "rule" : if the TEX is (by sample) named "aM1A2_norm_hull_but", you have to enter "aM1A2" in the data books in the concerned column

So, if your new graph is named "aMynewgraph_norm_hull_but", you have to enter "aMynewgraph" in the data books in the concerned column

Is that right ?

#54: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:30 am
Correct ????????

#55: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:30 am
Correct Very Happy

#56: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:13 am
ok, thanks Wink

And another questions, please : In datebook / Blue team (or red team), there is a column named "Team class number. " (Col N° 3)

1°/ I searched in "Soldiers", "vehicle" and "weapons", and I did not found any "link" between this team "class parameter" and vehicules, weapons or soldiers parameters columns

So, my question is : What is the role of this parameter ? (what is it used for ?) => Perhaps used for something that is hardcoded ?

2°/ And in addition, I noticed that this list of class parameter (column 3) is sometime not "continuous" : sample = > in vanilla "blue teams" , teams of line 12(Soldier-M203)
and team of line 53 (C-HunterKiller Tm) have the same "team class" parameter, that is 7

Logically, the "team class" parameter of C-Hunterkiller team should have been = 48, and not 7 because the team is between 47 and 49 in the team class column.

This case is the only curious case I founded in the list of the "team class" column (Column N° 3) : all others are continuous from 0 to 148, only this one is "7" and not "48" as it should be.

Is there any logical reason for that ?
Edit : After thinking, I presume that is a mistake from a dev, who has made a "copy-past" and he has forgotten to rectify the order of the list (I did exactly same mistake with a copy-past during modding work in this colum, and it's probably the same reason for what we find 7 in place of 48 in the column N° 3

EDIT : I noticed also that modern T90 russian tank is missing in game, I will add it. I have the entire shp graphs collection of WSPMBT, that are editable with a program named "shpeditor" (made by Fred Chandla) and these graphs work fine for CC, just needed to resize them a little bit.

EDIT : And Another 3° question, please : In Databook ("Vehicles"), there is a column named : "Total number of  mounts on vehicle.  Range = 0 - 6" (Col N° 117).  My translator (Deep L) gave me obscur return in french and I do not understand what is the role of this parameters : is it the number of "support weapons" or the number of "conductor mens" (pilots) that are in the vehicle ? (or other thing ?)
I thibnk it is not really the number of crew because this specific parameter is set in col 124

The pb is the sense of the "mount" word : very obscur sense is returned when I use English-french translator : the return is the french word "Monture". But in french, monture is a word that may have lot of very different sense :  "horse", part of glasses, etc depending of the context use ("Monture" is a very vague word in french, a not very clear word, it may be used in lot different formulations)

Other return for "mount" in french is the french word :"Support".  But same pb, "support" mays have more lot of different senses in french Rolling Eyes (support weapons, supports in football, support of an object, support of a construction, etc)

Perhaps is it the number of weapons that are present on the vehicle ? (I noticed that the paramater is always =2 except in some cases, where it is set = 0 or 1)
This hypothesis seems correct if I consider the column 127, that use the words "monted weapons"
But this same hypothesis seems at the same time not correct, because (by sample) M1A2 Abrams MBT (vehicles - line 5) has 3 turret guns (colomns 61,62 and 63), and his column "number of mount" (col N° 117) is set =2

Or perhaps is it the number of structures (hull, turret) on the vehicle ? But in this case, seems curious to have the "number of mount" parameter = 2 (col 117) for aircrafts like Tornado GR 4 (Vehicles, line N°73)

EDIT : According with "Geneve convention" and civilized rules, CCMT has now medical units (attached image)
Medical assistance has 2 ways :
1/ Infantry medical team
2/ Medical vehicle (ambulance)

The following "medical house rule" will be obligatory for human player :
=> When a unit has wounded (men with their status displayed in red, but dead men do not count), it can fire, move or change its status only if it is within the radius (circle) of any medical unit (otherwise, others soldiers are considered to be tied up in providing emergency first aid to the wounded).
If the number of wounded men is greater than 3, the medical unit must be a vehicle (infantry medical units have in this case no effect).

I will also implement medical helicos, with same house rule

But human player would have to be carefull
: Opponent force will not respect the Geneve convention and will fire to try to destroy medical teams and medical vehicles Rolling Eyes

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#57: Re: French army mod Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 7:22 pm
1. What is the role of this parameter ? (what is it used for ?) => Perhaps used for something that is hardcoded ?

I dont know how the game uses this, but as you write - this number needs to be a continuous sequence.

2. Is there any logical reason for that ?
Edit : After thinking, I presume that is a mistake from a dev, who has made a "copy-past" and he has forgotten to rectify the order of the list (I did exactly same mistake with a copy-past during modding work in this colum, and it's probably the same reason for what we find 7 in place of 48 in the column N° 3

I think you are correct - and good catch!

3. EDIT : And Another 3° question, please : In Databook ("Vehicles"), there is a column named : "Total number of  mounts on vehicle.  Range = 0 - 6" (Col N° 117).  My translator (Deep L) gave me obscur return in french and I do not understand what is the role of this parameters : is it the number of "support weapons" or the number of "conductor mens" (pilots) that are in the vehicle ? (or other thing ?)

Just use "1" for guns and vehicles without any guns mounted in "turrets", and "2 for tanks" and other vehicles and aircraft with turrets. The vehicle doesnt actually need to have a turret in reality, just that it has weapon(s) mounted in the "turret" positions for game purposes. - Then it should have 2 mounts.

#58: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:25 pm
ok, thanks a lot for these informations : all is more clear  Wink

Now, CCMT has a complete medical service :

- Medical inf teams (for team that have less than 2-3 wounded mens)
- Medical veh (for teams that have more than 3 wounded mens)
- Medical helicos (same)

Helicos graph and shadows are actually not correct (my medical helicos are a little bit "warriors helicos"), but I will rectify later hraphs and shadows = seems to be a long work to mod shadows)

If a team that need medical assistance is not in the circle of a medical team, human player may not use it to move, fire or change positions/orders : this "house rule" will complicate a little bit the missions vs AI

I have also added civilians and assistance team, to allow "civilian saving missions"

Next goal is to add  destructor teams (commandos), I will try to use the claymor mine weapon (I saw it in "Weapons").

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#59: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:05 pm
Seems that commando Enginners (GENIE Cdo in french) have high power of destruction (but with short range : 50 m)

They will come with low ammo, low crew (x4 mens) and this "house rule" : In destruction missions, only GENIE Cdo will be allowed to fire to destroy ennemy objective (materials, supply depot or vehicles)

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#60: Re: French army mod Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:52 pm
Some things are at this time a little bit obscur for me, somes informations would be great please  Wink


Number of rounds in each burst  : What does it means ? rounds and burst are hard words to understand in french

Number of rounds per clip : same for "clip"

Number of clips : same for "clips"

Causes backblast ? I thinks it means "blast return effect danger", but not sure


Maths in english are really not my cup of tea Rolling Eyes

Point Blank blast radius < weapon blast radius * 0.25, minimum (same element).  Range = 0+ : What does it means ?

Close blast < weapon blast radius * 0.5, minimum 2m.  Range = 0+  : Same pb


The range in meters that the Point Blank modifier ends
The range in meters that the Close Range modifier ends.
The range in meters that the Medium Range modifer ends.

Easy to translate, but... what are these 3 modifiers and how do they work ?

(Column N° 93 in BLUE TEAM)
Total amount of ammunition initially carried by the team.

Concerning point IV, I founded this on the CCMT MATRIX FORUM forum :
(I attached the thread, registered in html format, in a winrar file : Title of the thread was "What is total Ammo Count ?"

But due to the difficulty to translate "round", "burst" and "clip" in french, it's a little bit difficult to understand explanations

THE QUESTION WAS THAT: (Same question as I have today)
The very last row of data in the Red and Blue Teams txt files is called "Ammo Count". What is this? Is this the total rifle ammo, the total MG ammo, the total of all combined ammo? Then it says "max ammo count is arbitrary". Does that mean the field isn't all that important? [&:]
   Total amount of ammunition initially carried by the team. Range = 0 - 8000. Max ammo count is arbitrary

It is the total ammo combined...for all weapon systems relating to whatever "line" you are looking at - If it is a "team" it is the total ammo count of all weapons systems that make up that team - And it is valuble in the sense that it lets you know how much ammo one total...

For a soldiers, Start with a value of 1 and then total up the number of 'shots' he can fire with each weapon (shots = clips * rounds per clip / rounds per burst), modified as follows:
* Smoke ammo does not count.
* Multiply crewed weapon 'shots' by 20.
* Multiply grenade weapon 'shots' by 3.
* Multiply secondary weapon shots by 1/3 (i.e. divide by 3).
* Multiply mortar shots by 2.

So for a soldier with 8 clips of 30 rounds for an M16, 4 frag and 2 smoke grenades, the ammo count is 1 + (8 * 30 / 1) + (4 * 3) + (0 * 2) = 253.
For vehicles the ammo count is 1 + the sum of all the 'shots' (as defined
above) of all ammo types for all weapons on the vehicle, modified as
* Smoke ammo does not count.
* Multiply shots for the 'best gun' weapon on the vehicle by 50.

So the LAV-25 with 2 x smoke dischargers (16 x 0), 1 x 25mm Cannon w/ (3 x 150 / 6 * 50), and 2 x M240G MMG (9 * 160 / 6) = 1 + 3750 + 240 = 3991

What is total Ammo Count.rar

 Filename:  What is total Ammo Count.rar
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