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Close Combat Series -> The Mess

#181: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:11 pm
You right Therion on CCMAT, it definitely added a lot of things that are missing in CCM (and thus CCMT). Would be nice to get some of those features, though I think adding them would be more than a patch....

#182: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:06 pm
There is no CCMAT apart from a working title

CCM6  includes air controller

#183: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: Therion PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:24 pm
Speaking of CCMAT - it's probably the only CC game that could be made really playable in single player due to the scripting system - just add an ability to create complex triggers (with multiple conditions and multiple, randomly chosen action sets), scripting IDs for units created as reinforcements, ability to clone scripts, and you can create some nice single player battles.

Tejszd wrote (View Post):
You right Therion on CCMAT, it definitely added a lot of things that are missing in CCM (and thus CCMT). Would be nice to get some of those features, though I think adding them would be more than a patch....

Well, it depends if Matrix Games values their reputation much.

#184: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: CSO_SbufkleLocation: Canada PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:01 pm
Tejszd wrote (View Post):
CC2 Remake - Matrix Erik Rutins Post #16 AT_Stalky  

Thanks for the reply TJ, up front as always!

I checked out the link. I could go either way on this..

A new or reworked CC2 engine excites me.

Using the WAR/TLD egnine with ABTF is simply a mod with maybe a modest bell or whistle... thats would be a money grab.

#185: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:01 pm
Tejszd wrote (View Post):


For the WAR map coding code the updated maps files be posted for the grogs to get instead of waiting on the next WAR patch?


If you have data and or graphics that you believe will make things more realistic post them here so that people can enjoy them now and so that they could possibly be included in the next game patches...

I wish that idea would come true about the maps.
What are the odds of them being fixed properly the 2nd time anyway?
As for the Data....hmmm,well,errrrrr.
Maybe someday a few years from now.I'm looking at it,but still dont quite get it.
WAR is definatly in need of some kind of Vet mod,other than the mortars the AI sucks.

#186: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: Therion PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:51 pm
Frankly, the AI in CC series is so retarded (it's not just worse than a good player like a standard tactical game AI - it's retarded as it can't use even some of the basic tactics like using suppressive area fire and can't even do an ordinary attack.) that the series should carry a big warning that it's a multi-player-only game.

Executing an enemy platoon that decides to commit suicide by crawl of death certainly accurately depicts modern tactical warfare and its challenges...

#187: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:20 am
hey Dima

Do you cuddle up with my photo at night?

Watching Dima screw around is the funniest thing I've seen.

#188: Re: Omaha tracer fire fixed! Author: mikwarleo PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:26 am
Yeah Kinsk - such a great player you outright refuse to post your loss for our ladder OP (which was your own custom OP)...

his reason for not posting: 'no one plays ladder anymore so no need for me to post'

Your a decent player at best, with no decency in defeat.

#189: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:26 pm
What happened here?

I thought we had a good thing going bashing this,that and the other thing.
There was a good bashing of Buf over at Ryans and now he's gone too.

I geuss that Suck-Up FT is still trying to re-code MY WAR maps and can't make it around anymore.
Good BOY FT good BOY,yeeesss you are, yous a good boy.

#190: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:10 am

Now where is my little Troll?
I thought for sure she would come out from under her bridge to bite on that one.

Maybe I just need to dig a little deeper.


The Real FlameThrower.jpg
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The Real FlameThrower.jpg

#191: Re: Irans 2nd nuclear facility... Author: Tippi-SimoLocation: Helsinki PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:58 pm
So since when this lovely forum turned into tin foil hat wearing weirdos?

#192: Re: Irans 2nd nuclear facility... Author: evilwebster PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:12 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Now they are saying this facility, once it becomes operation will blind the eyes of its enemies. The information comes out just as the G20 is about to meet.

Seriously... what the hell is going on? Nobody wants another war but it seems Iran wants to be very provocative.

When has this world become a place where I am not allowed to express my opinion Tippo Simo? Am I living in 1930's berlin? Mooxe clearly stated his opinion, and I countered it with not only my own opinion but also with articles that quote documented facts.

Opinion is nothing compared to truth. But if you feel the need Tippo Simo you can mindlessly wander around in life believing that people who have anything contrary to your fact-less opinions are "tin foil hat wearing weirdos."

And another thing. People that wear tin foil hats believe it keeps aliens from warping their brain. People that listen to the lies propagated by their governments who are controlled by the world banks warp their own brains.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

#193: Re: Irans 2nd nuclear facility... Author: Tippi-SimoLocation: Helsinki PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:26 pm

For me it was a little surprise that there is another poster that will doubt all these politics these days.

I thought this board has always been pro war forum etc.

#194: Re: Irans 2nd nuclear facility... Author: JaguarWolf PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:32 pm
Iran is a worthless place.  We should nuke it already.  I'm sick of hearing about them.  Turn that country into a wasteland and problem solved.

#195: Re: Irans 2nd nuclear facility... Author: Tippi-SimoLocation: Helsinki PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:36 pm
JaguarWolf wrote (View Post):
Iran is a worthless place.  We should nuke it already.  I'm sick of hearing about them.  Turn that country into a wasteland and problem solved.

You sound like a racist.
Maybe the admin should get rid of you , or what?

#196: Re: Download CC5 Author: Senior_DrillLocation: 22134 PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:37 am
Oh, Canaduh!  Neutral

#197: Re: Download CC5 Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:18 am
I got a virus from both those downloads

#198: Re: Download CC5 Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:22 pm
Let the users here make informed decisions based on truths. If you are going to say theres a virus, be sure there is one and provide proof.

#199: Re: Trainwrecks & The Off Topic Hijackers Graveyard Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:17 pm
There is nothing wrong with pirating games.... oh there I go again with the untruths

#200: Re: weapons.txt Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:18 pm
It's hardcoded, so use the bitorrent version as that is fixed

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