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  Topic: Realistic Tank Speed Mod

Replies: 3
Views: 4555

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:46 pm   Subject: Re: Realistic Tank Speed Mod
Pete wrote (View Post):
What you have to do , in a nutshell: edit the elements file to make hedges impassable for armor but passable for another 'move type'. "Truck" is the only one available (mostly). You then code a number of tanks as 'truck'. Now trucks will move through hedges but tanks can't. If you set the 'crush to' element to another element passable by tanks, tanks will then be able to pass through crushed hedges.
This is from memory but I have not verified it before typing this.

Wow Pete this would be an excellent method. Thanks for the ideas.
I think I maybe used 3 Lloyd lorries in my last entire campaign, so not much would be messed up at all.
Funnies feature quite prominently in CC5- as a Canadian myself, I love a good AVRE. Even if the loader has to reach outside the vehicle to load new dustbin bombs into the main turret Sad. I'd love if a more complete list of funnies were available to the royal scots in GtC

When I first got GtC, i was quickly dissapointed to see that the only funnies remaining are crocodiles (without their trailers of fuel, dissapointingly). The Royal Scotts not only had an array of funnies at their disposal, they were  making more from salvaged metal as they went on. After hedge-clearers, the Funny that is most important @Epsom would be the Bobbin carpet layers. If you've ever had a tank list 'Mired' or 'Yellow Immobilized', you've probably cursed the game for withholding carpet laying tanks!
  Topic: Battle for Caen vs AI (large file)

Replies: 8
Views: 26518

PostForum: Battle For Caen   Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:04 pm   Subject: Re: Battle for Caen vs AI (large file)
Hi Mooxe, do you have an historical scenario I could use for this mod?
  Topic: Question on armor/gameplay for Tiger tanks

Replies: 17
Views: 18960

PostForum: Close Combat Panthers in the Fog   Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:32 am   Subject: Re: Question on armor/gameplay for Tiger tanks
Wow Schnellmeyer I just learned a lot. Thanks!
  Topic: Battle For Caen scenarios

Replies: 0
Views: 1665

PostForum: Battle For Caen   Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:21 am   Subject: Battle For Caen scenarios
Is there anywhere I can find pre-made campaign scenarios for this mod?
  Topic: Realistic Tank Speed Mod

Replies: 3
Views: 4555

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:04 pm   Subject: Re: Realistic Tank Speed Mod
This is fantastic, thanks for the work!

In regards to editing vehicle data in GtC, would it be possible to remove difficult terrain checks for a particular vehicle? None of the British Shermans in this game have prongs/Rhino blades. Several dozen were produced in-situ out of tank traps from the landings on the 6th, and over a 1000 more would be delivered to British tanks. They were installed primarily on Sherman Vs and M10s. Having one of these vehicle types, or a variant of one, be able to clear hedgerows (persistant like a shellhole) would be a great addition to the gameplay.

I understand that playing up the persistent issue of the Bocage is at the heart of the theme with GtC, but a very relevant note about Rhinos and Hedge Clearing:
While prongs were produced for Sherman, Cromwell, Stuart pattern tanks, the Churchill was deemed capable enough of bursting through hedgerows that additional support in that regard was deemed unnecessary. But, in GtC, the Churchills track on hedges maybe the most (I assume they just incur the most checks going so slowly).

Would this be a couple of lines of editing or something entirely larger?
  Topic: TLD: Battle for Caen

Replies: 28
Views: 51195

PostForum: Battle For Caen   Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:24 pm   Subject: Re: TLD: Battle for Caen
Hi this mod looks amazing. I've just installed it recently but it doesn't show a premade campaign. Are there player scenarios that I could get, or would I have to do a whole bunch of research if I want to make the historical campaign? Very Happy please help!
  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:41 pm   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
Pete wrote (View Post):
This is the case with all versions of the game. You would get a very small scale battleground if you made all maps link each other realistically. The only mod I can think of that comes close is the Ortona mod for CC5 where the town maps partially overlap.
dvphimself wrote (View Post):

You can do a similar thing with PiTF but there are large swathes of un-represented land in between the battlefields in that game.
They really should have advertised that more with these games.
I suppose if you get the suggested reading list it would become obvious. But even that is hidden on page 90 something of the manual Sad

This is the case with all versions of the game. You would get a very small scale battleground if you made all maps link each other realistically. The only mod I can think of that comes close is the Ortona mod for CC5 where the town maps partially overlap.

With GTC there are very few gaps in between the maps, some line up right next to each other, and in some cases there are even areas of overlap- like the bottom of Bougy at the top of Hill 113!
The older titles have to pick very narrow sectors from the battlefields they represent.They definitely curated their selections extremely well in that regard.
Looking at CC5 as an example, the city of Caen is 1 battle location on the world map, and it's a tiny sliver of the town. You can see which sliver it matches, no doubt, but the rest is unplayable blankness.
The area between Caen and Carpiquet essentially doesnt exist. Most of the world map doesn't really exist at tactics level. The maps are at most like .25sqkm so I imagine a fraction of 1 percent of the battlefield is depicted. GTC is closer to half, in some areas all exists at tactical level. Both are awesome, I enjoy the scope of the large operations, as well as the realism that the smaller scale adds.

All of GTC is about the same area as the town of Caen, divided into 30 instead of 1 map. In CC5 the whole area would probably be represented by Cheux. That isn't a bad thing, because then they can portray an operation on a massive scale. It's just a different approach.
  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:33 pm   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
Pzt_Crackwise wrote (View Post):
Really cool, didn't know that the maps were so realistic. Thanks a lot for sharing with us!

You can do a similar thing with PiTF but there are large swathes of un-represented land in between the battlefields in that game.
They really should have advertised that more with these games.
I suppose if you get the suggested reading list it would become obvious. But even that is hidden on page 90 something of the manual Sad
  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:23 pm   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
I am learning to count to thirty. I think I got it this time.

  Topic: Forum Description

Replies: 0
Views: 1853

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:01 pm   Subject: Forum Description
The forum description for Gateway to Caen reads 'Operation Epson'
  Topic: GtC vehicles and indirect fire Grille

Replies: 18
Views: 14580

PostForum: Close Combat Panthers in the Fog   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:40 am   Subject: Re: GtC vehicles and indirect fire Grille
The sprites look fantastic, great work! I would love to see a Lloyd carrier with the stupid canvas roof pulled back. It's a super cool pint-sized tank but the way it's drawn it looks like Solid Snake moving around in a cardboard box. They don't depict any of the halftracks with their canopies pulled over... It was a time saver for the design team maybe but ripe for a talented modder. Wink, nudge.

Also, a totally different kettle of fish because of how many frames of sprite you'd need, but the soldiers are becoming such a contrast to the rest of the sprites, and in particular the effects.azp. Visually, everything was updated in the 32bit games except the soldiers. Pre-rendered 3d soldier models (or even digital video of reenactors over greenscreen) used to make 2d sprites in an FMV style would be amazing in the 32 bit titles.
  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:15 am   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
Here are the ones that fell through the cracks. I suppose I am less organized than I could be. I hope this helps expand other's enjoyment of GTC, and to put into perspective the criticism that it covers too narrow a breadth of action. In larger CC campaigns, 0.25sqkm maps are forced to represent upwards of 100sqkm of terrain, and so the player experience is then limited to 'The Greatest Hits' of the various campaigns. For example, on the campaign map for CC5/TLD, the whole of GTC would have to be represented by a single location. Imagine how detailed TLD would be if each location was subdivided into 30 locations. That's what's happening in GTC. GTC brings you every barn, every hedgerow, in an almost continuous depicted battlefield. It's pinnacle realism, even by CC standards.

  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:09 am   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
Jatke wrote (View Post):
The GtC maps also share similarity to WW2 vintage 1:50k topo maps.

Caen sheet
Aunay-Sur-Odon sheet

Wow, thanks for sharing. This goes a long way to answer how they knew where the old bocage and orchards were. If you look carefully at the google maps I posted, you can see the ruins of some of the old bocage lines and orchards (Mue and Cassino are good examples).
  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:27 pm   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Nicely done. I have found myself doing the same comparisons over the years, especially during a trip to Normandy back in 2002. Difficult to line up CC5 Carentan with Band of Brother Carentan to real Carentan! I have gone down some rabbit holes looking for then and nows of where bombers crashed, and tried to line up Ploesti photos from WW2 with satellite imagery of today.

Eventually the rabbit holes led me to this site, http://thirdreichruins.com/

Comparisons and then and now photos are always an interesting read into history.

Yes, it was a project of rabbit hole origins. I had come across a photo in a book of the Scotts HQ in Manvieu, and decided to see if I could find it on google street view. That's when I realized the real-life St Manvieu was almost identical to the game map, and the project sort of began. Unfortunately, re: the Scotts HQ, it lies just east of where the game map cuts off, towards the centre of the frame.
  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:25 pm   Subject: Re: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

  Topic: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!

Replies: 15
Views: 10121

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:50 pm   Subject: REAL-LIFE GTC Maps!
Please enjoy these direct comparisons between the GTC game maps and the real life battlefields of The Battle for the Odon

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